Attitude of Gratitude

Did you know that Gratitude is a key that can open doorways to unlimited abundance? It’s simple, easy and can make a difference in ushering in a flow of prosperity that is yours to enjoy!

What is Gratitude?

Let’s start with the basics. According to the online Webster Dictionary, Gratitude means “the state of being grateful” and being “conscious of benefit received”.

Why be Grateful?

For one thing, it always feels good to be grateful. When you’re grateful, it’s pretty hard to be angry, stressed, or upset.

When you’re frustrated, angry or stressed, you’re saying “No!” to the Universe and it will only bring you more of what you’re saying “no” to.

Gratitude opens your heart to saying “Yes!” to all the abundance that abounds within your life and shifts your focus from what’s not going well to what’s good, positive and working.

We are all surrounded by blessings that we often take for granted – maybe it’s our home, that we have a roof over our head, or our family pet, that they bring giggles and comfort when we need it most. No matter what your circumstances may be, there is always something to be grateful for!

Using Gratitude to Open to Receiving More!

When can we cultivate the attitude of gratitude? All the time!

It also creates the most profound shifts and changes when we notice that we’re stressed, frustrated, unhappy, or feeling low.

The point is to find something to be thankful for – even if it’s the smallest thing and then to build your feeling of gratitude from there. The greater the appreciation you hold for something, the more of it you are inviting into your life.

The Next Step

So take advantage of this powerful tool and use it every day, and whenever you can think of it.

Make a list of things that are working well in your life every night before going to bed. Before you know it, you’ll find more and more things to be thankful for, and your life suddenly transformed!

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