
Crystology is a form of gemstone therapy that was developed by Melody, author of Love Is In the Earth. Through the utilization of intention and accessing the energies of the mineral kingdom, a Crystology session can help restore physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance.

Sessions can support you in accomplishing specific goals for the purpose of healing, eliminating self limiting beliefs, expanding your awareness and consciousness and to explore your higher potential.

Sessions involve the laying-on-of-stones with Reiki. Crystals are arranged in a pattern on and around the body, while Reiki energy is accessed to further amplify the healing energy of the crystals.

During a typical Crystology session, physical, mental, emotion and spiritual concerns are addressed to provide a thorough, comprehensive healing session. Your energy body will be cleansed and balanced, and any imbalances will be addressed through your therapist’s use of the crystals. Placement of the crystals are unique and different for each session and each person.

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